# Examples This article intends to centralize examples for `dltflow` into a single page to help users get started. Examples are stratified by increasing levels of complexity. - [Simple, Single Method Decorated](examples/simple.md) - A simple example of how to use the `dltflow` package. - [Moderate, Multi-Method Decoration](examples/medium.md) - A moderate example multiple methods decorated with dlt. - [Streaming, Append example](examples/streaming_append.md) - A simple example showcasing how to write streaming append dlt pipelines. - [Streaming, CDC example](./examples/streaming_cdc.md) - A simple example showcasing how to write streaming apply changes into dlt pipelines. - Complex, Multi-Step example ::: {toctree} :maxdepth: 1 examples/simple.md examples/medium.md examples/streaming_append.md examples/streaming_cdc.md :hidden: :::